Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mobile money transfers, hackers homework!

Recently I happened to attend the launch of an Ethical Hacker training programme that was introduced in the Kenyan market by EC-Council and SIMOS Consultancy firm. What really attracted my attention is the way various security ethusiats talked about numerous angles of breaches that we face especially with the consumerization of tech products that we engage in due to increased internet connectivity.

Am not talking about individual people but also companies and organizations have trusted this systems to build their brands and run their business on. To some it is unavoidable especially the telcoms with their numerous services and as they try to reduce the amount of liquid cash we carry in our pockets.

What am i driving at, for instance are the numerous amounts of monies sitting in the cloud platforms during various exchanging systems owned by Kenyan telcoms? For example the MPESA, YuCash, Zap and OrangeCash, how secure are these amounts of cash lying in this space! And how long will it take for black cyber criminals to hit on us?

Let me be a little bit technical, we have all used celphones, at some point between our conversations; we experience noise (technical interruption of communication signals). When this happens, the transeivers try to reconstruct this message and at this period is when our conversations are tapped by external listeners. Now think about what happens when subscribers try sending money between this communication channels and this happens!

Mobile money actually has brought a huge change in the way we transfer cash from one place to the other. Our sim cards have become money wallets but again will these send hackers back to books on how to best they can have Kenyan money sitting in simcards and hovering all over the space!

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